Gillian Dunngalvin

Gillian Dunngalvin

Statistics Manager

About Gillian Dunngalvin

Gillian works as the Statistics & Analytics Manager for Atlantia Clinical trials. Her background is in psychological medicine and consumer/patient perspectives, primarily in chronic illness and nutrition. As a psychologist and statistician, Gillian has the unique perspective of understanding the interplay between physiological and psycho-social factors within clinical trial research.

Data integrity and multi-disciplinary collaboration are a central part of her work. She teaches research methodology and statistics at third-level and has published in the health field. In addition to her PhD research in chronic illness management, she is part of multi-disciplinary international team which validated ED05 dose of peanut, published in 2018. Currently she is the scientific communications manager for the EU COST Action ‘Core Outcome Measures for Food Allergy’. This project addresses the Societal Challenges in Health by improving our understanding of health and our ability to reliably monitor health outcomes, and demonstrates new options for healthcare delivery. The outcomes will help improve the quality of clinical trials, and the Action will advance the career of young researchers, strengthening Europe's leading position in pharmaceutical sciences.