Atlantia’s multi-disciplinary team comprises medical consultants, doctors, regulatory officer (EFSA, FDA), scientific officer, director of operations, project managers, quality manager, clinical research associate (CRA), data manager, biostatistician, doctors, registered nurses, dietitians, clinical research assistants, laboratory technicians. Each member of our team is ICH-GCP certified and is highly experienced in the conduction of clinical trials across many different health areas.
Andrea leads Atlantia sales and operations from their headquarters in Cork.
Top cited scientist in the gut-brain axis, over 400 published papers in neurobiology.
Shauna has over 10 years of experience in both research and development and technical sales.
Responsible for achieving the first EFSA health claim under article 13.5.
Williams keeps Atlantia on track with regards to sustainable financial viability.
Sian manages a cross-functional, multi-national, scientific team.
Over 10 years of experience in a multitude of clinical trials in different health areas.
Cross-discipline approach to combine technology and clinical data.
Understands the interplay between physiological and psychosocial factors in research.
Leads the data management team.
Holds a background in global pharmaceutical and nutraceutical research trials.
Responsible for the development of Atlantia's QMS, experienced in ICH-GCP studies.
Leads the participant recruitment team.